
3 Tips for Better Audio

Posted June 28, 2017
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They say that a lot of what you see is what you hear.

Of course it's most important to make sure that your shooting is beautiful and compelling, but if you have bad audio people are not going to watch your video. Capturing clean audio is a high priority when you go out to shoot, and usually something that people don't think about when they are starting out.

Don't be one of those people.

Here are some easy tips for audio when you are just starting out. This video is geared towards vloggers, but it is applicable no matter what kind of video you are producing.

 These are just some tips to get you started. Buying the right mic, ensuring good mic placement, and getting room/ambient tone whenever you shoot will help you get quality audio when you're out shooting no matter where you are (well maybe not everywhere).

Here are some additional things to keep in mind:

Make sure when you are buying a mic that it is compatible with your camera's audio input whether it is XLR or now. Choose the right mic for the right scenario, if you are shooting b-roll a shotgun may be best, but if you are talking to a character or subject and want their words to be very clear, a lav mic may be better. 

What are some tips you've heard that would help others? What are your audio strategies when you go out to shoot?


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