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Learning to shoot great video is important, but learning to turn that video into a great business or a new career is even more important. Today video is the cutting edge of an exploding business. Everyone needs video, from TV networks to every business on the web. But how do you translate the skills you’re learning here at for making video into actually making money? In this series of courses, we are going to teach you everything you need to know about turning your video making abilities from a hobby or a pastime into a profitable business. With our help, you’ll learn how to pitch your ideas, sell your work, how to price it and create budgets. You’ll also learn the all important legal stuff and even how to start and run your own production company. The sky is the limit. Many of our graduates have gone on to great careers in the media, video and TV industry. Why don’t you join them? And why not take advantage of our daily job postings here on the website.
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The business of creating and selling content to fill TV and computer screens is going to become the world’s biggest growth industry; learn what it takes to succeed in this industry.
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Learning to shoot great video is important, but learning to turn that video into a great business or a new career is even more important. Today video is the cutting edge of an exploding business. Everyone needs video, from TV networks to every business on the web. But how do you translate the skills you’re learning here at for making video into actually making money? In this series of courses, we are going to teach you everything you need to know about turning your video making abilities from a hobby or a pastime into a profitable business. With our help, you’ll learn how to pitch your ideas, sell your work, how to price it and create budgets. You’ll also learn the all important legal stuff and even how to start and run your own production company. The sky is the limit. Many of our graduates have gone on to great careers in the media, video and TV industry. Why don’t you join them? And why not take advantage of our daily job postings here on the website.


Making a Living I
    Start Your Own TV Channel
      Using Video to be a Social Media Influencer
        Making a Living II
          Video for Social Media
            Video for Your Business
              Video for Social Media: Platforms
                  Travel Videos
                    Your Career
                        Starting a Production Company
                          How to Make a Music Video

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