My video gathering needs are quite varied.
As a licensed private investigator I go out and document crime and accident scenes. I also conduct video interviews of witnesses. Needless to say those things don't show up on YouTube.
I have a blog Crimefilenews.com and often I put up interviews or even my own personal rants.
Although I don't get much investigative TV news producing work anymore because of the general poverty media involving local news but I'm still prepared to go out and do public record pounding and electronic newsgathering.
I have a strong connection to German media and European media and I'm asked to do things for them more often than local.
The drone is the latest electronic news gathering wonder and is incredibly empowering.
Needless to say I pay strict attention to anyone that can teach me anything new because there's always more to learn in the area of video literacy.
I can be reached at housedick@gmail.com
- My somewhat outdated but highly functional JVC GY‑HM100U Camcorder ‑ 1080p
- My Sennheiser wireless microphones (2 lab and 1 stick)
- My Zoom H4n microphone for redundant audio protection.
- My on camera adjustable LED light
- My SILK carbon fiber traveling tripod
- My somewhat outdated IPhone 6+
- My Zoom H4n microphone for redundant audio protection.
- My Green screen with proper studio lights
- My Mac Pro computer with final cut x
- My DJI Mavic Pro 4K camera drone.
- 11. An attractive and cooperative female companion/helper whenever possible!