Day 1 of the 4-day bootcamp. Lisa gets us all started right.


Posted November 17, 2015
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Today is Day 1 in our intensive hands-on 4-day video bootcamp in London, at the offices of The Guardian newspaper.  We've got 20 working journalists, representivies from organizations such at the UN, NICE, and others just getting started on the road to video literacy and a professional video career.

Today, they're getting our Michael Rosenblum 5-Shot Method lecture. In a few minutes they'll hit the streets of London do shoot their very first piece. 

Later today, we'll screen all their footage in front of the group in our 'public praise / public humiliation' screening session. You only learn by making mistakes and everyone learns by seeing everyone else's mistakes.  We have found over the past 30 years that it's the best way to learn.  But we ONLY allow people in the screenings who have taken risks and shot their own video as well.  NO OBSERVERS ALLOWED!


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