A Look Into The Jobs Future

Posted August 29, 2016
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We are living in a period of masive change.

I am reading AGE OF DISCOVERY by Ian Goldin and Chris Kutarna. The sub-title of the book is "Navigating the Risks and Rewards of Our New Renaissance".  And risks and rewards there are.

The essence of the book is that we are currently undergoing the fastest cultural change since the European Renaissance, driven by new technologies which are completely re-arranging society.

This has an impact on how we work, how we live, (how long we live), what we read and see and even what we think. In short, the whole world is getting turned upside down.

In the Renaissance, this was also driven by new technologies - the printing press, most notably, which allowed for the instant and inexpensive publication of massive amounts of information for the first time - and the sharing of that information. 

You can see the Internet analogy immediately.

That explosion of information, of content, and the ability to both access it and shared it changed the world. We went from Medieval to Modern in about 100 years.

Now, we are undergoing the same sort of massive transition.

The chart above gives a stunning indication of how our whole world has changed.  In just 15 years, heavy industries have been supplanted by knowledge-based and content based businesses, and we are still just at the very beginning.

And, as AI begins to really kick in, traditoinal jobs and careers are also going to evaporate as new ones are created.

We strongly believe that video and video creation are a big part of this content-driven (and highly democratized) future. 

What the printing press was to the 15th Century, the iPhone and the video that it can produce are to the 21st.

You have in your hands the power to create content - you no longer need CNN or ABC or The BBC - either to make it or to distribute it.

That is revolutionary - as revolutionary in our own time as was the printing press 500 years ago.

So pick up your phone and start creating. 


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