Tammy Palmer, Spectrum News 1, Syracuse, NY

A Very Personal Story

Posted July 18, 2020
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This is a lovely story

It was shot, produced, edited and tracked by Tammy Palmer during our Managers Virtual Bootcamp last week.

Tammy is with Spectrum News 1 in Syracuse, New York

This story was both shot and edited on an iPhone 11

To me, it represents the power of working along with an iPhone

It has a kind of intimacy with the subject that is very hard to get with a big camera, let alone wiith a crew.

Tammy had to gain the trust of her subject, to be allowed into her life

And note how it is shot


very close

See the shot of the gnarled finger pusihing the thread into the bobbin on the sewing machine.

This speaks volumes

Note how she places the camera at the back of the sink behind the tap.

It is work like this that connects directly with the viewer.

This is visual journalism

As surely as the work of Cartier Bresson or W Eugene Smith in another era.

Well done.


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