There was a fascinating news story on CBS This Morning (this morning).
As Trump was in Korea, CBS News correspondent Ben Tracy went to Dandong, North Korea, to do a story about the massive amount of trade that goes on between China and North Korea.
Apparently, 90% of North Korea's trade is with China. Chinese purchase of North Korean goods pretty much keeps the regime alive, and Chinese shipments of pretty much everything from food to farm tools, is what sustains the rule of Kim Jong Un.
All of it, more or less, passes through the Chinese city of Dandong, and all of it seems to transit to N. Korea over the one single lane bridge that connects the two countries, spanning the Yalu River.
But when Tracy went to Dandong, he encountered a problem:
The Chinese authorities shut down the filming. That much was on camera.
Now, when CBS News sends you half way around the world, (and at considerable expense) to shoot a 3 minute story on Chinese trade in Dandong, you cannot reasonably expect to come back and tell management that you didn't get anything because the Chinese police shut down the filming.
That would send you back to local news faster than posting your personal political opinions on your Facebook page.
So, Ben Tracy, clearly ever resourceful, proceeded to shoot the story on his iPhone (or someone's iPhone).
But here is the interesting part.
You cannot tell the difference.
You simply cannot.
And had he not said that they were able to do the story, but had to shoot it on an iPhone, I (and millions of viewers, one must presume) also would not have known.
Now, I can't embed the story here. CBS News does not let you do that, but you can see it here.
Take minute (or 3) and take a look at the Ben Tracy piece and tell me if you can tell the difference between the opening few shots (shot with their giant (I bet) professional camera and the iPhone shots.
I can't.
So this, of course, begs the question - why not do ALL of the stories on iPhones all the time?
After all, you can a) get rid of the expensive crew (yes, it is more fun when you travel with your friends), b) the phone not only shoots, but also edits, adds graphics, music, text, shares and, oh yeah, live streams.
The iPhone or smart phone is the perfect tool for video storytelling, video editing, or pretty much any kind of mobile video production.
Also, (as if you need more), Ben Tracy (and everyone else) carry an iPhone with them all the time, every day, in their pockets.
No need to 'wait for the crew'.
No need to book the crew.
No need to be so obtrusive
You can go where you want, shoot what you want when you want.
You have the camera with you ALL THE TIME.
And for no cost.
Makes sense to me