Darrell Barton from Youtube

Darrell Barton

Posted April 26, 2016
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Miami based Videojouranlist John DuMontell posted this tribute to Darrell Barton this morning on Facebook.

I thought it was worth repeating.

At at time when cameras were incredibly heavy and compiicated, as were edits, few and far between were the people who took it upon themselves to shoot, script, edit and report. This was no easy task.  They were outliers in a world in which each of those jobs was done by a different person.

But they paved the way for us today.. and tomorrow. 

Watch the accompanying video - it's long (another casualty of our times), but there is a lot to learn from it. 

"I don't want to call this a "rant"...but I do get a little tired of "some" young people thinking they are breaking new ground and better than older members of the video journalism crowd because they believe, before them, no one "did it all". Meaning, shoot, interview, write and edit a television news story on a regular basis for whatever station they happened to have employment.

I knew Darrell when he was still simply a chief photographer in Oklahoma City and all of us, at every station in that market, often did stories on our own without the benefit of a "team mate".
Saw this and thought I'd share, demonstrating good one-person story telling was not something suddenly discovered and practiced in the last ten years of less by millennials. "



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