John Salazar, MMJ, Spectrum News 1

iPhones yes. Tripods, no.

Posted June 29, 2020
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The use of iPhones to tell video stories for broadcast has fired up the usual tempest in a teapot on social media this week.

A lot of the discussion revolves around the use of tripods.

Let me be blunt - I am opposed to them.

The more junk you have to drag around wtih you, the more cumbersome the shooting, the more the junk gets in your way.

Tripods are fine for shooting buildings if you are doing architecture or paintings on a wall if you are doing a story about a musuem.

Other than that, leave 'em home.

There is almost no one who can't hold an iPhone steady for 10 seconds or so.

Now, a lot of people, when they do use iPhones to shoot, use them as though they were conventional video cameras or even DSLRs, only smaller

This is a mistake

The iPhone gives us a whole new architectural framework for video construct, just as the Leica gave photo journalists a new way of seeing and recording the visual world in the 1930s.

Above, a great example of how to use the iPhone fluidly, all hand held, done by John Salazar, an MMJ at Spectrum Newws 1 in Texas




Tripod free -mercifully 

All hand held 


Well done! 



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