If you asked an AP reporter in 2012 what Meerkat and Periscope were, chances are he or she would tell you that theyre an animal and a submarine part respectively. 2016, however, is a much different world, and you'd certainly get a different answer from that reporter.
According to Journalism.co.uk the Associated Press in 2016 made a major push into the sphere of live streaming:
"The amount of live video output produced by The Associated Press (AP) increased by 25 per cent last year, to 2,073 live stories and events covered between October and December, compared to 1,605 during the same period in 2014.
"Unquestionably, our customers are wanting and expecting us to produce more live video," Derl McCrudden, head of international video news for AP, told Journalism.co.uk.
"But this isn't just about volume, they've also told us they want greater choice of live, in terms of the type of stories we offer them."
The rise came as the company started making significant changes to its live video operations in 2015, to increase the volume and variety of content it offered to digital publishers and broadcasters.
A new service called Live Choice was introduced, consisting of three additional live streams that covered a range of stories, including breaking news events, throughout their duration."
Read the full article here.