We watch a lot of local news pieces here to see what works and what doesn't, and to keep a pulse on how this content is produced. Unfortunately, most local news is still produced like it was 10, 20 and 50 years ago. A large crew, big, old expensive equipment, and not as much a story as a pictoral illustraion over what reads like a newspaper. Every now and then though we are surprised and see some great work. A great story, done by a VJ, with nothing more than an iPhone and some other equimpent. This is just what we saw today.
Chris Sasser is a VJ working in Louisiana. He recently shared a story he had worked on about how recent floods have affected people's lives. Chris found a great story, and then, instead of getting the crew and cameras together, left the big camera in the car and shot this piece on an iPhone and a GoPro.
MOVING DAY from chris sasser on Vimeo.
The results speak for themselves. This is a great story, shot very well and all without the large 'broadcast' cameras. This can, and should, be done everyday with the stories that local news does.
Share with us your stories shot on a smartphone we'd love to take a look!