Bill Booz is a new VJ.com member.
Using our 5-shot method, he created this lovely instructional video on how to make bread, which I wanted to share with you.
He writes: "I became interested in your information when I discovered the whole mojo/vj phenomenon and saw how it related to my second personal interest, storytelling through video."
This is what I would call an 'instructional video', and quite a good one.
He writes:
Appreciate also your taking the time to look at and critique my video. Also kind and unexpected. As you can see from my video, I'm not young. At 73, I've had my career (HS German teacher, instructional technology trainer, and, now, photography trainer) and my primary interest in video is to be able to share what I know in the fields of technology and photography on YouTube.
Take a look at his piece here, and if you would like to see more of his work, check out his YouTube channel.