At CES 2017 Razer, the computer gaming company, announced a new laptop that would feature three 4k screens that fold out for a better gaming experience. We looked at this and thought of how it would be a great set up for any editor. More screen space is always better when it comes to editing, and even though this machine weighs a whopping 12 pounds it is an exciting prospect.
From Mashable:
There's only one thing I can always consistently look forward to at CES: Razer's crazy concept devices. This year's no different.
At CES 2017, the gaming brand announced Project Valerie, the world's first laptop with three built-in 4K displays that automatically deploy and retract into a "compact" 12-pound notebook design.
It's absolutely nuts.
Why the hell would anyone want such a monstrosity? Its 1.5-inch thick aluminum design and hefty weight alone defeats all portability. For Razer, that's the wrong question. The right question is, why the hell not?