We are once again working with The British Forces Broadcasting Services.
They provide TV and radio to all the British military forces all over the world.
We have been working with BFBS for some time now, but it is always a pleasure to be back here. Nothing like a bit of military discipline to make sure every sequence follows the 5-shot rule and is perfect.
Everyone here goe through exactly the same lessons you are doing on TheVJ, from The 5-Shot Method to Fluffy The Puppy.
Here's a story shot, reported and edited by Dave McCann, BFBS journalist. He produced this in the bootcamp. He had never touched a video camera before. His very first piece, but as you can see, he followed all the rules.
All of this was shot and edited on an iPhone.
This bootcamp was for BFBS only. We are off to Oxford University next week to teach our summer school course there. But the next open bootcamp is in New York in October. 20% Early Bird Discount if you sign up now.