Chuck Olsen with The UpTake, broadcasting live with his camera and iPhone. Via WikiCommons

StoryLab: 20+ Mobile Storytelling Apps, Tools + Tips From Top Experts

Posted April 25, 2016
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It is no secret that we are big fans of mobile storytelling using small handheld cameras and smartphones.  This technological transformation has already had great impacts on the ways that we produce and consumer videos and stories.  New platforms have apeard bringing great strain onto traditional media companies. 

New technologies bring with them new modes of use and workflows, and mobile video production is no exception.  You need the right gear, the right tools, and the right strategies to make sure your product is high quality. 

StoryLab has published a list of 20+ tips from top experts in mobile storytellying to make sure you are on the right track.  They share great apps and techniques to help you -- from Filmic Pro to right ways to hold your camera, this list has everything you need.

Check out the list here.


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