The Daily Mail is a great British tabloid.
I read it every day. Call me a Daily Male.
It's not exactly the FT or the Wall Street Journal (to say the least) but when it comes to Tabloid stories, they know what they are doing.
When it comes to streaming video or video in general, they don't know what they are doing.
Just now, I noticed on FB that The Daily Mail was live streaming from Trump Tower Needless to say, i 'tuned it', if that term is still valid in the world of Internet Video. I joined another 1600 people to see what The Daily Mail had to say.
And what they had to 'say' was... nothing.
See above.
It was like watching a security camera.
Hello, Daily Mail
Video, like text, needs content.
It needs a focus
It needs a story
And beyond that, if you are going to live stream, the whole point of live streaming is to open the door to interaction by viewers (or rather, viewsers - that would be the rest of us).
What is the matter with you?
You get print so well
You get video so badly!!!