TV Newser: Network Morning Shows Lost 350,000 Viewers Last Season
Posted September 22, 2016
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It's a bad time to be getting into traditional broadcast news. According to a new report, viewership of the network flagship morning programs is down starkly from previous year. This is a continuation of a growing trend away from broadcast viewership to more on-demand viewership. People no long have to sit in front of the TV and wait for the networks to spoon-feed them information, they can go get it themselves on the Internet.
Chris Ariens for TV Newser has the details:
For the fourth season in a row, ABC’s Good Morning America was the most-watched morning show. And for the first time in four seasons, NBC’s Today show was No. 1 among younger viewers. The wins come as both shows have lost viewers. Coming during a presidential election and Olympics year, GMA lost -9 percent of its audience, while Today was down -2 percent. In the 2014-15 season, the three morning shows averaged 13,248,000 viewers. This past season the average was 12,895,000, a loss of 353,000 or -3 percent. Only CBS This Morning grew its viewership vs. the previous season, growing its audience +7 percent and adding +4 percent in the demo. CBS has added nearly 1 million morning show viewers (977,000 or +43 percent) since the 2010-2011, which was the last for its predecessor The Early Show
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