Video of the Day: Fingers of Steel

Posted January 30, 2017
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Fingers of Steel from Sebastian Linda on Vimeo.

Today's video of the day comes to us from Sebastian Linda and shows us some pretty impressive finger stakeboarding. Don't know what finger skateboarding is? Neither did we. Check it out.

Chris Heck fought his way up over the most dangerous, lifethreatening tricks, with numerous sore finger injuryies, and nerval breakdowns to where he is today.
Since winning the German championship in 2003, he worked everyday on his inventive tricks while phoning with his wife wife Anna, on his wooden kitchen table.
Through this hard training his fingers became harder than any industry steal you can buy.
His Pro Model, with a a red Skwirral, (which is his favorite animal, right after turtles and foxes) crowns his legendary 21 years of Finger Skateboarding.

Ladies and gentlemen. 

Fingers of Steel
A film by Sebastian Linda
Filming, Editing, Sounddesign, Grading, Blood nerve staying calm 
Chris Heck

Sound mix by
Bony Stoev

Special Thank to Nils Heck for filming Making of Shots!


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