Video of the Day: Riding the Wall of Death

Posted October 19, 2016
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Today's video of the day comes to us from The Great Big Story.  The video highlights Kerri Cameron, a motorcycle stuntwoman, who rides for Luke Fox's original "Wall of Death."  The wall of death is a nearly vertical, circle-shaped track that most riders would consider insane. Before she was a Wall of Death rider, Cameron rode horses for a living. Today, she performs dangerous stunts with grace and keeps an adrenalin-pumping tradition alive.

We like this story for a few reasons.  The Wall of Death itself is an interesting hook.  It's something that you don't see everyday and would draw in any viewer.  Also, Cameron is a great character, and she brings us through the narrative.  Great Big Story does great work and you should check out their other content.

Check them out here.


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