For three years, Bryan Boes @bryanboes was a TV anchor at KYTX 19, the CBS affilaite in San Antonio.
He sat at a desk and read stories into a camera.
It's a job, and a lot of people aspire toward it. It pays pretty well.
But when the opportuinty to ditch the chair and head out into the field appeared with Spectrum News 1 in Texas he jumped at it.
Last week, he went through our one-week MMJ video storytelling bootcamp.
Participants in the bootcamps make 2 video stories during the week. They shoot everything on an iPhone. Some people edit on the phones as well. We only use iPhones - both for the bootcamps and then for air after the bootcamp is over.
We teach TV reporters to work the way newspaper reporters work -on their own. Newspaper reporters carry a pad and pencil and head out to find stories. MMJs carry an iPhone, head out and find stories.
We don't do stand ups, police tapes, b-roll, talking heads, interviews or man on the street soundbites.
We teach our grads to essentaily make movies - marrying Hollywood storytelling techniques to great journalism. Great characters. Great stories.
The story you looked at above was done by Bryan durnig the bootcamp.
It's a powerful piece of television journalism.
A one-dayu turn.
All on his own.
That's what makes a great jouranlist.
Which is what Bryan Boes is
And he is just getting started