We ran our very first video bootcamp in Bergen, Norway in 1988.
32 years ago.
We have 30 young Norwegian journalists in a room with no prior video experience whatsoever and we had to be on the air in a month. It was a big challenge.
We had to vastly streamline and simplify the teaching process. We had to invent a whole new curriculum that would work.
Since then, we have run video bootcamps all over the world.
On Monday we are going to start back to back live streaming virtual video bootcamps for MMJs for Spectrum News 1.
By our count, more than 50,000 people all over the world have attended our bootcamps, in more tha 25 countries.
That's a lot of people.
But every once in a while, we get an email from one of our former students that confirms our work in a more personalized and emotional way.
Yesterday. I got a mesage from Mark Jones, who took the bootcamp when he was working a KRON in San Francisco in 2003.
That was 17 years ago, but here is what he wrote yesterday: