Editorial Standards & Impartial Reporting in News Part 1 | Journalism
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“It’s all fake news” “Don’t listen to the mainstream media, they’re lying to you” “The Government controls the media” “I get my news from websites and social media that I agree with” In a media world now teeming with conspiracy theories and propaganda masquerading as news, and especially since the start of the war in Ukraine, there’s never been a greater need for fair, accurate and impartial journalism. Social media, in particular, has become a chaotic and toxic place where audiences increasingly choose to reject any challenge to their views, preferring instead to confirm and reinforce entrenched beliefs with content they already agree with. Confirmation bias. If we are to rise above the noise of misinformation and become trusted news guides, where our journalism is known for its accuracy and fairness, it’s essential our journalists are equipped with the right editorial tools to do their job. Before joining Rosenblum TV, Leo Devine spent 35 years at the BBC as a journalist, programme-maker and senior manager. He was also the Head of Editorial Standards for BBC News and was part of the team that revised the published edition of the BBC Editorial Guidelines. Join Leo Devine as he discusses the current state of journalism and its consumption in today's media environment.
About Your Instructor
Before joining Rosenblum TV, Leo Devine spent 35 years at the BBC as a journalist, programme-maker and senior manager. He was also the Head of Editorial Standards for BBC News and was part of the team that revised the published edition of the BBC Editorial Guidelines.
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